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Gordon's Shield 2017

Gordons shield team - Uruguayan Gypsies

On the 14 of August 2017, a major scouting competition was held at Hawequas. 41 teams took part in this competition.

This year's Gordon's Shield theme was the Global Water Conference and all the teams had to dress up to represent the county they were given. We were given Uruguay and dressed up as Uruguayan Gypsies.

On the first day we got there we drove to our campsite and started unpacking, then we registered our team and went to the field for the parade.

The first day had many different STA’s and things we had to do. My favourite activities were the First Aid, Pioneering, Gadget Building and the Cooking Bases. There were individual activities and there were group activities. The groups were small and made up of to 2 to 5 people.

On the second day we finished up our last STA’s ad handed them in, we also had some more activities to do. At the end of the competition, all the teams went to the parade ground and had to try to build the tallest flagpole that was not supported by people. Then it was closing parade.

I think we worked well as a team as we all had our own jobs to do but everyone still helped each other.

My favorite part was the cooking: in the beginning it was a rush but in the end we were able to get everything we wanted on the plate. For mains we made kebabs with beef, pepper, and baby tomatoes on it. We also had braaied mielies with a carrot salad and for dessert we had home-made custard and home-made bread pudding.

Well done to 1st Muizenberg's Gordon's Shield Team for coming 22nd. You all worked hard for it.

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