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Scout Cooking Competition

On Sunday, the 21st of May, at 12:00 in the afternoon, four of our junior scouts arrived at the Zandvlei Base in Muizenberg. We were getting organized for a cooking competition that was happening at 1:00, at the 1st Bergvliet Scout Hall.

I, Hannah Gibbs, as APL of the patrol was told that my PL wouldn't be coming anymore, and that I would have to take over the position as PL, not knowing what I was supposed to be doing. I was very nervous of leading a patrol that had juniors who didn't really know what was happening either. Myself, Lisa Storey, Craig Burchell-Burger and one of our junior scout's mom were talking and we were thinking about not competing at all. We decided to compete, but to just have fun and enjoy the experience as well as to provide an opportunity for the juniors to learn.

We arrived a bit late for the competition but Gavin Withers, the organizer of the competition, called me over and said that he was going to help us and he just wants us to have fun. The parents left and we had to start cooking for two special judges that were arriving soon.

I was very nervous because I thought we weren't going to get anything done, but I was wrong. For starters we cooked mushroom with parsley and our secret sauce. The judges really enjoyed it. The mains was cooked chicken with pepper sauce. Baruch made the pepper sauce and it tasted amazing. Liam S, one of our newest scouts, made very delicious chicken for the judges. They devoured it! Our dessert was malva pudding with custard or sauce. Esther, Enzo and myself took quite some time to make it, we had to remake it twice because we either made the mixture wrong or I wasn't watching them as it was cooking. We didn't have anything to put the mixture in, but luckily I brought the muffin tray with. We made malva muffins with lemon sauce. Craig enjoyed the leftovers.

We cooked amazingly and worked together well as a patrol. Even with very little experience, we got all three dishes in on time. I'm really proud of the Patrol and I'm glad we all had fun during the process. It was difficult but we got there and we made it through, as a team.

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