District Cub Campfire 2018

We were blessed with intermittent showers of glorious rain last Friday but this did not deter our Cub Pack from taking part in the District Campfire .
While the clouds brooded ominously in the skies above, our Cubs were armed with their campfire blankets, rain jackets and even a kitty umbrella or two. Nothing would keep these high spirited children from taking part in their very first District Campfire.

While the Cubs of the Two Oceans District made plenty of new friends, played makeshift soccer on the grass with coke cans and engaged in a game of (Campfire Blanket) Blind Man's Bluff, the Pack Scouters and Adult Helpers furiously strategised on a plan B as a gentle drizzle sated the thirsty ground with no sign of stopping.

The large group of excited, chittering Cubs were herded into the hall where we imagined a giant bonfire blazing in all her glory. The Cubs sat in a circle while a few dynamic Pack Scouters led them in song, some familiar old favourites and a few new ones too. There was a great deal of laughter, clapping and jollity from the Cubs and even a performance or two from the more confident children.

Hungry tummies were filled with delicious boerewors rolls fresh off the braai and we were able to finally gather around a real bonfire while Rikki-Tikki-Tavi opened the evening with a thought-provoking yarn. With Rikki leading the way, the Cubs from each group enjoyed performing a song and skit in front of each other. The evening ended with marshmallows and a cup of juice.

Thank you to all the Packs, Pack Scouters and adult helpers involved, as well as to our Fundraising committee for all your hard work. A special thank you to Our Pack Scouter Lisa Storey for her last minute involvement (an enormous task) as well as to Cub and Scout mom Desire for the fantastic Campfire Badges that she had made up for the event. These are still available from us if you would like to place an order.
We hope to see you all next year!