Cub Pack Donation Drive - Ukama Holdings

This term, the 1st Muizenberg Cub Pack decided to host a donation drive for Little Angels in Tokai. Sadly, we discovered that this very worthy charity has closed its doors so we decided to look closer to home and came across Ukama Holdings in Capricorn Business Park to teach our pack about service to the community.
‘Ukama’ is a Shona word meaning ‘we are related’ or ‘we are family’. This word encompasses their inclusive philosophy and outlook. They offer a wide range of services, but what interested us is that they support 3 informal creches within the Vrygrond/ Capricorn Area with hot meals daily as well as clothing, blankets and Easter/ Christmas shoeboxes. They support 200 children per day.
Last Friday, our Assistant Pack Scouter, Angela Lee-Wright (Bagheera) and 3 of our Cubs went to deliver our donations to Janine at Ukama Holdings. Thank you to parents, family, friends and community members for your very generous donations. Ukama Holdings are always in need and rely solely on donations, so if you would like to make a contribution, please contact Janine at