Orienteering Regional Competition

The competition was held at Century City on Sunday, 8th September 2019. The weather was very pleasant for orienteering. All Scouts who had entered were told to meet at Intaka Park Clubhouse in Century City by 1.30pm.
1st Muizenberg Scouts met early at 12pm for a practice run in Intaka Park, which was very useful to those who had never done Orienteering before. We were shown how to read the map and use the “puncher”. The “puncher” punches the number of the base that you find along the way, while following the route on the map.
All Scouts fell in just before the starting time which was at 2pm and were given instructions of what to do. We received a map per team and a clue guide to help us orientate ourselves through Century City. We had a time limit of 1 hour and 15 minutes and Seniors had 1 hour and 30 minutes.
At exactly 2 pm we set off with our maps, water bottles, clues and compasses. Scouts scattered in all directions – some running, some walking to the base they wanted to go. The maps told us to go all around Century City, even through a part of Canal Walk Shopping Mall, which was rather exciting! : )
We had to find about 36 bases all together within the time limit. Not all the teams got to go to all the bases. If you were back late after the time limit you lost points per minute.
While you were waiting for the results you could go and buy something at the tuckshop, at the Clubhouse or eat your packed lunch you brought along.
I really enjoyed the Orienteering Competition and I hope the other Scouts who went enjoyed it too!